Roomba 2

While I was still in college, I made the first of my Roomba robot paintings; one of which is in the collection of iRobot Corporation. For the Draw Residency, I choose to cross sculpture and paintings. The residency allowed me the time to address the relationship between robot and artist, I’ve broken down the process into its components: where do I have a choice… when so I need to react… and when do I need to stop? While painting with a robot may seem rigid, I believe it to be an interesting opportunity to let go of some control.  

I enjoyed my studio time in the gallery and benefitted from interactions with fellow artists. For me the opportunity to chat about art and discuss process was also helpful. In conversations with other artists in residence have helped with the transition back to the 2D thought processes. By thinking about simple as things as colors on top of each other compositions, line weight, and the viscosity of the paint and pigments-I’ve become a painter. While studying these details, I’ve had to make more paintings, also resulting in more failures. You should have soon Monica Martinez’s face the first time I decided a painting was too far gone and painted over it.